Healthy mummy, Vigorous baby, Proud daddy
First and foremost, a heartfelt congratulations on your pregnancy from all of us at Medihope Clinic!
Are you wondering what is the next step? First time parents? What should I eat? What do I avoid? Can I exercise? Let us guide you through the routine checks from the first check up till expected delivery.
The beginning of life ( 5-8 weeks)
It all starts with a confirmation pregnancy scan! This is the first step to ensure the pregnancy is at the right place in the womb and if your expected delivery date is accurate using your menses dates. It is also used to confirm it is a normal pregnancy when baby body parts and heart beat is seen. Sometimes, additional scans or tests may be necessary to monitor baby’s wellbeing so don’t worry if doctor asks you come back for another scan.
Check out Medihope Clinic’s affordable pregnancy scan packages and also our congratulatory momento gift on your confirmation scan. We will advice you on what you can eat or avoid and exercises that you can do. Any other questions? List it out and ask us!

The first chapter of a book (8-12 weeks)
Booking (aka pink book) is a process of compiling your pregnancy journey into a book containing medical information for healthcare providers to understand your pregnancy status. All clinic visits, tests and scans should be documented inside this book for continuous monitoring of your health and baby’s growth.
During this booking visit, our doctors in Medihope clinic will take a more comprehensive mummy’s history, body checkup plus blood test is done and see if other tests are necessary according to risk factors.

Nuchal Translucency Scan (NT Scan ) and Non Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)
(11- 13 weeks 6 days)
You have reached the end of the first trimester! At this stage, you will be able to see baby’s formed head, body, arms and legs. And that’s not all, at this stage with NT Scan you can see an area at baby’s neck that measures the thickness of the fluid accumulation which may indicate chromosomal abnormality such as Down Syndrome! This is also the earliest time you can have mummy’s blood taken to check for baby’s chromosome. For more information, don’t hesitate to ask our doctors in Medihope clinic for more information.

Routine Antenatal Check up (14-19 Week)
A routine checkup comprises of baby growth scan, weight, blood pressure, urine test and blood hemoglobin level.
Detail Scan ( 20-24 weeks)
Here comes another bonding time with baby on the screen! At 20 weeks, baby’s organs are well formed and can be seen in detailed, hence it is known as detail scan. You can see the formed organs and this is important as it alerts us if there is any abnormalities detected at this stage that may affect the baby.
At Medihope Clinic, we offer this beneficial scan to all mummy to be!

Routine Monthly Antenatal Checkup (24 week- 29weeks)
This is probably the most exciting part of your pregnancy as you will start to feel baby movements. Routine growth scans, weight, blood pressure, urine test and blood hemoglobin level is important to ensure mummy and baby’s wellbeing. Vaccinations will also be given at this period of time.
Routine 2 weekly Antenatal Checkup (30-36 weeks)
Here you will have more frequent 2 weekly follow ups and be started on fetal kick chart to monitor baby’s daily pattern of movement. You will also be checked for any possible infection that may pass to baby during vaginal delivery.

Routine weekly Antenatal Checkup and Preparations for Delivery (37-40 weeks)
You are coming to the end of the pregnancy journey and soon to embrace motherhood. Advice on signs of labor will be given and weekly routine checkups until labor.
We at Medihope Clinic wishes you a smooth labor and hopes to see healthy mummy, vigorous baby and proud daddy.
View more about Antenatal Penjagaan Kehamilan on main site